SEO Services Explained: The Effects of Crawling

Dragon’s Eye Consulting unravels a fundamental concept in SEO services that can be puzzling for newcomers: “crawling.” If we liken our journey through the SEO landscape to navigating a dense jungle, crawling serves as our guiding compass. It’s a mysterious force that significantly influences your site’s visibility and rankings. By the conclusion of our expedition today, you’ll not only grasp this seemingly enigmatic term but also recognize its substantial significance.

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Crawling Explained

Essentially, crawling involves a procedure conducted by search engines to locate and register fresh or modified web pages and their content. The central actors in this process are the search engine bots commonly referred to as “crawlers” or “spiders.”

These digital spiders traverse the expanses of the internet by tracing links from one page to another. As they explore online, any discovered web page is brought back to their repository, known as indexing. This complex interplay between discovery and retrieval informs the search engine results displayed when users enter queries into search bars.

How Does Crawling Work?

Here are three simple steps that explain how crawling works:

  1. Identification: Web crawlers commence by examining a roster of well-known URLs, often referred to as “seeds.”
  2. Exploration: Following that, these algorithms navigate through each hyperlink found on these pages, extracting additional URLs.
  3. Cataloging: The concluding step entails transmitting all the gathered data back to the search engine servers.

Understanding Crawl Budget and Crawl Efficacy

Crawl Budget

The phrase “crawl budget” denotes the number of pages that a search engine, such as Google, aims to explore on your website during a defined period. Contrary to widespread belief, it does not uniformly impact all websites. This is where we encounter a common misconception—the misconception of the crawl budget.

Crawl Efficacy

On the other side of our discussion, we find “Crawl Efficiency.” This is undoubtedly a complex yet valuable concept, emphasizing the enhancement of organic traffic rather than simply increasing the volume of crawling.

At its core, it involves making it easier for search engine crawlers to access your content by structuring data intelligently and removing any barriers to accessibility. In essence, it prioritizes efficiency through quality rather than relying solely on quantity.

Tips to Achieving Efficient Site Crawling

  • Remove content that doesn’t carry any value. Improve crawling efficiency by removing non-index, test-generated URLs, and outdated landing pages or tags that hinder the crawler.
  • Make sure the server response is high-speed to lay the foundation for other crawling techniques. To ensure swift crawling, optimize server performance, minimize errors, and enhance page loading speed for efficient indexing by Googlebot.
  • Include internal links in content to support crawling. Enhance SEO by establishing clear navigation paths for bots to grasp content relevance and using keyword-optimized anchor text for effective indexing.

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